Forums - The Super Turbo Ultimate Vega Guide Show all 7 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- The Super Turbo Ultimate Vega Guide ( Posted by vega-x on 05:01:2001 03:52 AM: I just finished writing a somewhat useful guide for ST Vega. Read it and bask in knowledge. Posted by Buktooth88 on 05:01:2001 07:04 AM: it might be that I'm using explorer to view it, but the formatting is really screwy when I view the faq. It's all one big paragraph, making it pretty hard to read. Posted by vega2001 on 05:03:2001 12:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by vega-x I just finished writing a somewhat useful guide for ST Vega. Read it and bask in knowledge. Thanks man. That was an excellent guide and you are an honor to the screen name you choose! Posted by The Chef on 05:03:2001 05:17 PM: Nice work. You do all us ST Vega fans proud btw, can you do us a favour and upload the file again with formatting, plz? Or better yet, post it as a long post Rehan (Dead Man Inc.) Posted by vega-x on 05:03:2001 11:44 PM: I hope this works, here's the Guide formatted for this board. |Vega| *=--=* Spanish Ninja The definitive Vega guide for Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo by Normal Moves ------------ (definitions: S. = standing, C. = crouching, J. = jumping, CS. = close standing) S.Jab - Very short range, not very useful. Misses most crouching opponents. S.Strong - Lunges forward, good range, but S.Fierce is better. S.Fierce - This is Vega's longest range move, and does good damage. This counters a wide variety of attacks, see the VS. section for more details. S.Short - A quick knee attack. Don't use this. S.Medium - A straight kick with OK range. No good uses. S.Roundhouse - High kick with excellent anti-air propeties. Always use if you don't have a backflip charged. CS.Jab - Same as S.Jab CS.Strong - Vega doesn't step forward, so shorter range then normal, works the same though. CS.Fierce - Same as CS.Strong CS.Short - Different animation than S.Short, but same move. CS.Medium - Vega does a slightly different looking kick, but for the same effect. CS.Roundhouse - Works just like a S.Medium. C.Jab - Very quick and long range. A flurry of these will keep a blocking opponent pinned down. Although they don't combo, it's next to impossible to break out of this. C.Strong - Same as C.Jab, but slightly slower & more damaging. C.Fierce - A crouching upwards-angled claw. This is pretty good anti-air against people with low jumps like Zangief or Balrog, and you keep your down charge while doing it. This has more horizontal but less vertical range than the S.Roundhouse. This will whiff completely if you're right next to the opponent. C.Short - Standard tick. Sets up a few combos, but stick with the low Jab/Strong. C.Medium - Just like the C.Short. Always follow up with a C.Strong, whether blocked or not. C.Roundhouse - A Slide. This is Vega's 2nd great pressure move. When done at maximum range, most opponents cannot counter. You can also slide under many jumping attacks, and throw the opponent as soon as they land. J.Jab - Sticks the claw out. Not useful. J.Strong - Same as J.Jab, pretty much. J.Fierce - This will win most air-to-air battles, and can start combos when the opponent is grounded. J.Short - This has a very small chance of crossing up the opponent, but it's just as likely to miss. J.Medium - This has one good use- the Straight-Up version will hit Honda and Bison out of their torpedos. Otherwise, use Roundhouse. Like J.Short, this has a chance to crossup. J.Roundhouse - This is better than J.Fierce against grounded opponents, but not as good against aerial attacks. Special Moves ------------- Triangle Jump - Jump back against the wall, then in the air, jump again -Not really a special move, but this can come in handy if you jump back and are about to land on a fireball or Bison's Psycho Crusher. Handspring - 3P or 3K -The punch version lasts longer. Both can go through fireballs, but the timing is very difficult. The only real use is when you're being pressured with footgames, this will give you some breathing room. Roll - Charge B,F,P -Vega rolls 1 - 3 times then does a C.Fierce attack. This is a relatively safe pressure move when done close up, most opponents cannot counter. Wall Dive - Charge D,U,K then P for claw or F+P or B+P to throw -This is Vega's primary move. By pressing UF or UB, you control which wall Vega will jump to. Once airbourne, you have limited control over yourself by holding F or B. Things to do: 1) Psyche out the opponent by going off the back wall, then dropping down without attacking. This gains you a little Super Meter, and you might catch the opponent trying a Dragon Punch or other counter. 2) Jump off the wall, hold back, and just hit the opponent with the tip of your claw. Most characters cannot do anything about this. 3) Fly over the opponent while using the claw. This is an incredible crossup move and aggrivates the opponent, who is anxious against being thrown. 4) Wall Dive with UF to crossup the opponent once, then fly back over them in the air to crossup again. This one has the best chance to connect with the throw. Wall Spring - Charge D,U,P -Vega goes off the wall and springs directly at the opponent with a claw. You do not have any control once in the air, but the UF or UB choice still applies. Doing this with Jab will make him fly higher- this will hit jumpers, but completely whiff those on the ground. The Wall Spring has a small chance of catching someone by suprise, but leaves you more vulnerable if blocked. Stick with the Wall Dive. Backflip - Charge DB,F,K -Vega's top anti-air move. Done very late, this will counter practically anything. The Roundhouse version hits twice, and another RH Backflip can be done immediately after, unless you're in the corner. This is Vega's only move that when blocked, is very easy to counter. Super Move ---------- Charge DB,DF,DB,U,K then F+P or B+P to throw -The nice thing about Vega's Super is that it doesn't activate unless you connect with the throw. Once your Super bar is charged, doing off the wall fakes will make your opponent antsy. Combos ------ J.Fierce (or RH),C.Medium,C.Strong -Of course, the Jumping attack is optional. C.Medium,C.Medium -This is a little easier than C.Medium,C.Strong for most people. C.Medium,C.Medium,C.Strong -Very hard to do regularly. You can't add a jumping attack first. C.Short,Strong Roll -In the corner, you can use a Fierce Roll for 1 extra hit. C.Short,Roundhouse Backflip,Roundhouse Backflip -This doesn't work in the corner. Posted by vega-x on 05:03:2001 11:45 PM: Seems to work OK. Here's the second part: Generic Tactics --------------- Vega has 2 main modes of play, Offensive & Defensive. Switch between them depending on which character your opponent is playing, and how much life you have left compared to the opponent. As a rule of thumb, you usually want to be on offense against fireball characters, and on defense against characters without. Offensive - Vega has the fastest (tied) walking speed in the game, as well as a superb jump. The jump will go over any fireball easily, and do it fast enough for you do whatever you like. Use this to your advantage against fireballers. You actually have enough time to react to a fireball from 1/2 screen if you've got quick reflexes. Poking is Vega's main form of offense. S.Fierce, C.Strong, and C.Roundhouse are his best tools for the job. Although your claw can be Dragon Punched like Dhalsim's limbs, Vega is so much faster that you should not have to worry about it unless you are being very repetitive. Also use a Jab Roll as a poke- from long distance, it can't be countered and it will build your Super Meter very quickly. The point of all the poking is that whenever the opponent tries anything, Vega will nail them with the tip of the claw. If you think the opponent is about to jump, use a C.Fierce or S.Roundhouse to hit them on the way up. If the enemy starts turtling against you, use your superior speed to walk up and throw them. Defensive - If the opponent has no fireball (except Balrog), a turting Vega is the most painful thing in the world. You always want to stay in defensive crouch, so you can use any special move instantly. Use C.Strong to keep the opponent 1/3 screen away. If the enemy jumps in on you, use the Roundhouse Backflip at the last possible moment. If you aren't charged, the S.Roundhouse will also counter practically anything. S.Fierce will counter plenty of blocked moves including Blanka's Roll and T.Hawk's Dive. Defensive Runaway - If you've got a sizeable lead over the opponent, you can consider the runaway tactic. Do not try any other moves than an occasional C.Jab to push the opponent back. Otherwise, do the Wall Dive and land as far away as possible. Do this repeatedly. Some characters like Zangief have no chance of catching you. Others, like Old Sagat & Chun Li can do it pretty easily. Once you've got a Super Meter, the opponent has no choice but to stay defensive, fearing your Super Wall Drop. Losing the claw - After blocking a certain number of attacks, Vega's claw will fall off. This is a serious detriment, as his range on all punch attacks, the Roll, & the Wall Dive are reduced. Unlike Super SF2, you can pick up the claw at any time by walking over it. Characters like Honda and Chun Li, who have multi-hit attacks (100 Hand Slap, Thousand Burst Kick) will sometimes try to make you block these moves in order to lose the claw faster. If you're fighting someone who does this, go on heavy offense when you lose the claw. As soon as you lose it, run up and throw, then go for a jump-in or meaty attack. This is the last thing the opponent is expecting, and doing the unexpected is the key to winning the game. Specific Strategies ------------------- Ryu - When he throws a fireball from up to 1/2 screen away, you have enough time to jump over it and throw. C.Strong poking will snuff his fireball attempts. Try Wall Dive fakes liberally to make him Dragon Punch. S.Roundhouse is the preferred anti-air against him. If you find yourself losing to Ryu often, keep in mind that you must first defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance. Ken - Mostly the same as Ryu. His S.Roundhouse has long range & priority, so you have to be more careful with pokes. Since his Hurricane Kick doesn't knock down, you can throw immediately after. Chun Li - Personally, this is the most difficult match for Vega. Chun Li has equal speed, better air priority, and a fireball. Her C.Roundhouse will beat most pokes. The only advantage Vega has is range. C.Jab is usually safe from a counter. Try a slide from long range while charging down-back, then a Backflip to beat whatever she tries. You can cleanly C.Fierce a Spinning Bird Kick at any time, but don't expect a good player to bother with this move. Chun can J.Short your Wall Dive almost at will, and faking her won't really give you any openings. Use Rolls, Chun Li cannot counter them with anything. Guile - A very defensive Guile is one of the tougher matchups. The Sonic Boom has no delay, so you can't really counter. His Razor Kick works against the Wall Dive, whether you crossup or not. If you slide from long distance, he can Sobat you. Varying pokes is the best thing you can try, alternate C.Strong and S.Fierce, then next time, go for a C.Jab into a throw. If you block the first hit of his C.Roundhouse, you can C.Jab before the 2nd hit comes out. E. Honda - Certain people rank this match in Honda's favor. They're wrong. Straight up J.Medium takes Honda right out of the Headbutt. The Wall Dive, after crossing up, has a good chance to grab Honda right out of a Butt Drop. Otherwise, just keep S.Fierce from maximum distance, so if he 100 Hands you, it will miss. Zangief - C.Fierce will take out any air attacks he might try. S.Fierce will keep him away. The only thing he can do from long distance is the Tornado move. If you get knocked down, he's going to try a jumping knee or splash into a SPD, so charge the Backflip immediately. Dhalsim - Vega wants to stay just inside 1/2 screeen against Dhalsim. From there, C.Strong will come out quick enough to beat Dhalsim's limbs. You can slide and Jab Roll from there without fear of reprisal. If Dhalsim Teleports, a S.Fierce will get him from anywhere as he re-appears. The Wall Dive is good if Dhalsim is cornered, otherwise he can counter. Blanka - Very easy for Vega. You get a free S.Fierce after blocking a Roll. You can also take 1 step forward and S.Fierce to hit a Vertical Roll on the way down. Just stay turtling, Backflip any jump-ins, and let him make the mistakes. Don't Wall Dive, the Vertical Roll can counter easily. T. Hawk - The same tactics as Zangief apply here, if you let him inside once, it's pretty much over. Keep doing low pokes, then Backflip him out of his Eagle Dive. S.Roundhouse from medium range will take him out of any jumps on the way up. Cammy - Cammy's small size can sometimes be trouble. Staying defensive is your best bet. Faking a Wall Dive or jumping straight up will sometimes get you a whiffed Thrust Kick. If Cammy does a Cannon Drill, even at long range, you can C.Strong or sometimes throw. Stay on the ground except for Wall Dives, Cammy will win air-to-air. Fei Long - Pretty tricky to play against. His Fire Kick works great against the Wall Dive, so only use fakes against him. Use C.Fierce to take him out of jumping attacks. Slide from max. distance, he can't counter if blocked, and you will go under the Triple Kick if he tries that. Dee Jay - Hard match. His normals in the air and ground have much more priority. He doesn't have a great counter to the Wall Dive, so try the claw while flying over his head. Use slides to beat the Hook Kick & Super, and C.Jabs to keep him away if he gets close. Balrog - I consider this even odds. If Balrog gets you cornered, it's over. Your best range against him is full screen. This gives you time to react to anything. If done early enough, a slide or a C.Strong will snuff any type of Rushing Punch. His throw range is better than yours, so you never want to be closer than your C.Strong's range. Balrog's C.Fierce will cleanly hit the Wall Dive unless you go very high and claw while right on top of him. Stop all poking games once he gets Super Meter, as his Super's Invincible Startup will go right through any of your attacks. Vega - There are no great strategies for fighting against yourself - If both Vegas go for the Wall Dive, whoever's claw goes out first wins. Fierce Rolls also work well, taking off good tick damage with no counter. Sagat - Sagat's fireballs are a pain to most characters, but Vega is great at handling it. From 1/2 screen, you can slide under high Fireballs and nail him. You can anticipate low Fireballs, and Wall Dive over them. If you timed it right, you can throw before he's out of stun. If you're a little late, try to hit with the tip of your claw. Vega's quick, high jump can also easily go over either Fireball. For best results, stay close and poke away with C.Jab and slides. Old Sagat - Same as regular Sagat, but you should sneer derisively at your opponent for choosing such a cheap bastard. M. Bison - His high, slow jump is very easy to walk under and throw. Use the Wall Dive often, he has nothing to counter it with. He will try the Head Stomp often, Vega has no good counter to this, other than blocking and trying a throw or Slide when Bison is landing. Use Straight Up J.Medium to kick him out of Psycho Crushers. Akuma - Good luck. The Vega Fashion Show --------------------- Select your character by pressing: Jab - Orange with red sash Strong - Green with yellow sash Fierce - Grey with green sash Short - Red with black sash Medium - Pink with orange sash Roundhouse - Blue with purple sash Hold any button down - Yellow with blue sash Start - White with grey sash ---------------------- Thanks to James Chen, Tiger Bones, & Jumpsuit Jesse from for tactics & terminology. If you have any questions, comments, combos, or tactics I haven't mentioned, feel free to send an e-mail to 04/30/2001 Posted by The Chef on 05:04:2001 12:36 AM: thanks very much vega-x Rehan (Dead Man Inc.) All times are GMT. The time now is 12:35 AM. 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